Energy Saving Tips & Programs



Ontario Government Energy Affordability Program (EAP)

See If you qualify for the Ontario Government's Energy Affordability Program (EAP):

Energy Affordability Program | Save on Energy


Canadian Government Energy Saving Programs

Learn about programs and energy saving tips from the Federal government:

Save money on energy -


Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. - Energystar Appliance Rebate Program


Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. - Commercial Lighting Retrofit Program


Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. - Streetlight Retrofit Program



Home Energy Savings


Temperature Control


indoor furnace, heating iconHome Heating

Almost 62% of your energy dollars
go to heating and cooling.

home cooling, fan iconHome Cooling

Annual servicing can reduce
cooling cost by up to 10%

water fauset icon, hot water heatingHot Water Heating

The average family uses 225 litres
of hot water a day!

temerature control icon, seasonal savingsSeasonal Savings

Set your Thermostat between
18-20°C to reduce heating costs.





Electrical Savings



appliances, washing machine iconAppliances

Water heating consumes about 90% of the
energy needed to operate a washing machine.

phantom power iconPhantom Power

Unplug devices and save up to 10%
on your energy use.

home lighting iconHome Lighting

LED bulbs save up to 75% in electricity.
Learn how to pick the right bulb.







landscaping, tree iconLandscaping

Well-placed trees can reduce energy
costs by up to 30-35%, depending on the season.

window savings iconWindow Savings

Reduce energy consumption by up to
8% by switching to ENERGY STAR certified windows.

insulation savings iconInsulation

Save up to 25% by sealing all those leaks
around doors and windows.



Want a copy?

Download a printable version of the Getting Started guide and get energy-saving tips wherever you need. Share with your family and get everyone on board with savings!

Download The Getting Started Guide (.PDF)

Fall and Winter energy saving tips (PDF)

Spring and Summer energy tips (PDF)

Keeping the Heat in (PDF)