Kasabonika Lake First Nation
Kasabonika Lake First Nation is a member of the Wataynikaneyap Transmission Project and was grid connected in April 2024. Remotes distributes electricity within the community for the over 1100 (2022) on-reserve residents of the remote, fly-in Oji-Cree speaking community located in Northern Ontario on beautiful Kasabonika Lake. Remotes also maintains and operates the Kasabonika Lake Diesel Generating Station (DGS) with three generators, ranging from 600-1450 kW, for use during transmission system outages.
Drone image taken of the Hydro One Remotes diesel station and compound in Kasabonika Lake First Nation, 2021.
Kasabonika Lake First Nation is a member of the Wataynikaneyap Transmission Project. Visit wataypower.ca for project details.
Kasabonika Lake First Nation is a member of Shibogama First Nations Tribal Council: shibogama.on.ca
For more information on Kasabonika Lake First Nation visit: here