Sandy Lake First Nation

The Sandy Lake Diesel Generating Station (DGS) has 4 Generators ranging from 1250-1500 kW providing electrical power and distribution for the more than 2,650 on-reserve residents (2022) of the remote, fly-in Oji-Cree speaking community located in Northwestern Ontario on beautiful Sandy Lake. Due to the large community size and corresponding load, Sandy Lake is home to our largest units in service.


generating station upgrade at sandy lake
New Exhaust Towers & Radiators installed during the Sandy Lake First Nation Generating Station Upgrade (2021)


1.5MW Generator installed at the Sandy Lake Diesel Generating Station, 2021
New 1.5MW Generator installed at the Sandy Lake Diesel Generating Station (2021), which is one of our largest units in service.
On the far right you may notice it has (8x2) 16 cylinders.


Sandy Lake First Nation is a member of the Wataynikaneyap Transmission Project and is expected to be grid connected in 2024. Visit for project details.

For more information on Sandy Lake First Nation visit: here